
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Western Trails, July 1943

"Ranny on the Rampage" describes my state of mind fairly often, but in this case it's the title of a story by one of my favorite Western authors, J. Edward Leithead. As usual, Leithead has a second story in this issue of WESTERN TRAILS under his most-used pseudonym, Wilson L. Covert. Several other good authors are on hand, too: Gunnison Steele (Bennie Gardner), C. William Harrison, Orlando Rigoni, and Glenn Shirley. I don't know who did the action-packed cover art, but I like it. Appears to be another good issue of this underrated Western pulp.


  1. Hey James, that cover is by Allen Anderson.
    I know this because it's in the new book, The Art of Allen Anderson by David Saunders, which I just bought.

    Geez Louise, but that book is grand.
    Because Anderson's style varied a bit, I'm guilty of not fully appreciating both how good he was and how many covers he did for the pulps. I often supposed his busier, more action-packed covers were probably by Norman Saunders, and that his more polished, romantic covers were probably by H.J. Ward. Which says something about the quality of his work all by itself.

    John Hocking

  2. Thanks, John. The way the girl is sitting on the horse, and the horse itself, reminded me of Anderson, but then the cover doesn't quite look like his work. As you say, he could really vary his style, and I'm just more used to the way his Fiction House covers looked. A great artist, though, definitely.
