
Saturday, November 02, 2019

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Action Stories, Fall 1946

ACTION STORIES didn't start out, strictly speaking, as a Western pulp, since it featured adventure yarns set in many different times and locales, but by this time in its existence it might as well have been a Western pulp since all the covers were Western-themed and nearly all of the stories were. Indeed, in this issue, all the story titles sound like Westerns (with maybe one Northern, a close cousin), and the authors are thought of primarily as Western writers: Les Savage Jr., Giff Cheshire, Joseph Chadwick, William Heuman, and Ben Frank, plus Tom O'Neill (sports stories and Northerns) and house-name John Starr. The cover features another example of a female character dressed anachronistically, which was common on the Fiction House pulps. I hope she didn't have to run on those high heels.

1 comment:

  1. She also wouldn't need a life preserver thrown to her if she fell off a cruise ship.
