
Tuesday, January 01, 2019

New Year's Day

Yesterday was not as productive a final day as I would have liked for 2018, so I got up this morning determined to do better. Some holidays I take off from writing, but New Year's Day is nearly always just a normal working day for me. It's cold and gloomy here, so I didn't really have anything else to do. I wound up writing two chapters (18 pages), so that's a decent beginning to 2019. I need to finish this book by the middle of the month and have about 150 pages to go. I should make it.

And I did take the time to watch part of the outdoor hockey game between the Bruins and the Blackhawks, so that's kind of celebrating, isn't it? (Although I didn't care who won, neither of those are my teams.)

I hope it was a good day for all of you.


  1. Very good day for me! I cleared 17,000 words in my latest and should be done by the end of the month.

    Happy New Year!

  2. James, a very Happy New Year to you and Livia!
