
Thursday, December 20, 2018

More Than a Vintage Death - Dennis R. Miller

The murder of a respected book collector sends Alec Knight and former FBI agent Ravi Khan on a quest to find clues to a buried treasure in an upstate New York town. They soon find they are in a deadly race against a secret Neo-Nazi organization and the mysterious, all-powerful Dr. V. Alec discovers throughout his quest that nothing is as it seems. Ripped from today's headlines, More Than a Vintage Death is full of twists, turns, action, suspense and humor.

There have been a lot of biblio-mysteries over the years, but I don't recall many that center around vintage paperbacks. Dennis R. Miller's new novel MORE THAN A VINTAGE DEATH concerns that very subject, and it's not just a gimmick or a Macguffin, either, but rather a vital part of the political thriller/conspiracy plot, which is excellent on its own. However, all the talk about different publishers and lines, how collectors look for books, store books, read books . . . well, it's great stuff for a guy like me. I may not have ever solved murders or searched for hidden treasure, but I've scoured bookstores for Gold Medals and Dell Mapbacks! If you have, too, this novel gets a high recommendation from me.

UPDATE: The paperback edition of this novel is available here.


  1. Since I collect vintage paperbacks, especially Dell Mapbacks, Gold Medals, Ace Doubles, etc, this novel sounds great. I went to amazon to order and found that it was only available as a Kindle e book. Ironic right? A novel about vintage paperbacks only available as an e-book.

    But I searched google and it is available as a hardcopy paperback on, which is a print on demand site. Copy is now on the way for $17. Thanks James for bringing this novel to our attention.

  2. Thanks, Walker. I knew there had been a print edition at one time because I'd seen a photo of a stack of them as a book signing, but I didn't realize they were available through Lulu rather than Amazon.

  3. Thank you, James, for the review. I appreciate the kind words and insights.
    Walker, you are right about the print version. I've got to contact Lulu and have that made available. I really appreciate your persistence and ordering on Lulu. I hope you as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

  4. Check out The Cover Girl Story by Richard Lupoff.

  5. Thanks for that tip, Kent. I bought the e-book edition. I was aware of that Lupoff series but have never read any of them.
