
Monday, July 02, 2018

Writing Update

Late yesterday afternoon I finished my 365th novel. If somebody wanted to read one of my books every day, the project would take a year to finish. I think that's kind of cool. Also, at the time of the fire in 2008, I had written 215 novels, so this means I've turned out 150 in the ten and a half years since then, for an average of a little more than 14 books per year. Admittedly, some of those books were on the short side, but I've also done a great many that were in the 90,000 to 100,000 word range, so I think it all balances out. Mostly I don't like patting myself on the back, but every so often I stop and think, hey, that's not bad.

And now, having done that, it's back to work.


  1. Amazing, you leave me without words!

  2. Congratulations! And I love the picture.

  3. Man, I just finished a short story and was feeling pretty okay with myself about that. Only took three months to write. Still need to do some clean-up work on it.
    Thanks for putting things into perspective.

    Awesome job, James. Keep swinging.

    John Hocking

  4. Wow, James, what an achievement! You are among a very select group of writers. I have really enjoyed your creative gifts over the years.
    -Will Robertson

  5. Not bad, indeed. In fact, literally very awesome. I'll wager you'll be starting another one this very week.

  6. I appreciate the kind words, guys. Yeah, Rick, I have a short story to write next, but as soon as it's done, I'll be going on to novel #366. I already have the outline open and waiting for me on my writing computer.

  7. Amazing! How many of those are under your own name?

  8. Great, James! And the quality is still there! Thanks for helping keep the Western genre going. Yes, and nice picture!

  9. Egads, I just patted myself on the back for finishing my 16th book.

  10. "Another damn'd thick, square book! Always, scribble, scribble, scribble! Eh! Mr. Gibbon?"
    ...except you out do him!

  11. Congratulations! I suppose we could read one of the short stories for leap year. LOL. You're an amazing and gifted writer. #365 is time for a party. Most of us will be lucky to get to #65, let alone 300 more!

  12. Amazing that someone could write that many published novels. It seems impossible. Yet you did it.

  13. I like the "scribble, scribble, scribble," remark that was originally said to Gibbon. Maybe you could do a novel based on the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire!

  14. Worth many pats on the back - love the photo

  15. That is amazing, James. Congratulations. You belong to a very elite few who can say they've written that many tales in their ENTIRE LIVES! And you've still got miles to go! LOL I am so happy for you in reaching this milestone. I love the idea of someone reading a book every day for a year as you mentioned. That's fun to think about! Keep on writin'!
