
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Complete Western Book Magazine, October 1937

Two novellas take up most of the pages in this issue of COMPLETE WESTERN BOOK MAGAZINE, and fortunately they're by two top-notch pulpsters, Will Ermine (who was really Harry Sinclair Drago) and James P. Olsen (who was really James P. Olsen but was also very prolific under the name James A. Lawson). There are also short stories by the distinctively named Carmony Gove, who wrote a lot for various Western and detective pulps, and Bob Marsh, not a distinctive name at all and also not very prolific with only three stories in the Fictionmags Index. I've enjoyed everything I've read by Drago and Olsen, though, under their real names or whatever pseudonyms they were using, so I suspect this is a pretty good issue. I like the title of Olsen's story, "Mad Dash for Hell".

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