
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Mammoth Western, March 1948

I can't tell if this hombre's hat got shot off or just fell off, so I can't say for sure if it's an Injury to a Hat cover. But I can tell you that the cover is by Robert Gibson Jones, this issue was edited by Ray Palmer, and the authors who have stories inside include Dwight V. Swain, "Alexander Blade", Chester S. Geier, Robert Moore Williams, Paul W. Fairman, William P. McGivern, H.B. Livingston (who was really Berkeley Livingston), and Lester Barclay (who was also Berkeley Livingston). In other words, the usual suspects for a Ziff-Davis pulp. But it's a pretty entertaining group of usual suspects.


  1. Unfamiliar with this pulp but very familiar with the author lineup. Basically every Amazing Stories from the late 40s. Would actually like to read some of them trying a western.

  2. I have all the mid to late 1940s issues of MAMMOTH WESTERN. I collected them for the covers, back covers, and interior illustrations by Walter Haskell Hinton -- what a great artist! And the stories aren't that bad either!

  3. Robert,

    Would appreciate a copy of the Jesse James article out of Mammoth Western April, 1948 if you don't mind. Doing some research!

    Thank you,

    D. Edwards
