
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1941

It's hard to go wrong with a cover featuring gorillas and ray-guns. This one is by Rudolph Belarski, and it certainly would have made me want to plunk down a dime and a nickel back in 1941. Inside are stories by some top-notch writers, including Manly Wade Wellman, Victor Rousseau, Ross Rocklynne, and Frank Belknap Long.


  1. Mort Weisinger the editor. Later the editor of DC Comics' Superman - where gorillas were mainstays.

  2. Some of these old pulp covers are amazing...are there any books that collect together pulp covers...I suppose there must be.

  3. Look for: The Art Of The Pulps. Fantastic book divided by Genres with written overview and 40 covers for each. Many Rare covers shown. On Amazon and other sources.

  4. I seem to remember reading that DC determined having a gorilla on the cover resulted in a 10% increase in sales.

    Second the recommendation of THE ART OF THE PULPS. Absolutely wonderful book.

  5. re "I seem to remember reading that DC determined having a gorilla on the cover resulted in a 10% increase in sales." -- I wonder if they tested further and discovered the percentages held true, and that having a chimpanzee on the cover resulted in a 7% increase; a rhesus moneky in a 5% one; a lemur or tarsier for 2%; and a tree shrew for 1%? / Denny Lien
