
Saturday, December 02, 2017

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Lariat Story, November 1947

Good ol' LARIAT STORY. For two thin dimes, you got covers like this one by Norman Saunders, stories by authors such as Les Savage Jr., H.A. DeRosso, John Jo Carpenter (John Reese), Will C. Brown (really C.S. Boyles, the other author from Cross Plains), Rollin Brown, W.F. Bragg, and Ben Frank. (Well, I'm not much of a Ben Frank fan, but I like everything else I've read by those other guys.) Plus story titles like "Gun-Witch From Wyoming". I think the readers got their money's worth.

1 comment:

  1. Lariat had a pretty good run with some solid fiction. I'm not a big fan of western pulps, but Lariat stood out from the crowd, I think.
