
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Thrllling Western, February 1939

I don't know who the cover artist is on this issue of THRILLING WESTERN, but I think it's pretty good although I'm not that fond of extreme close-ups on pulp covers. I'm certainly fond of a couple of the authors in this issue, though: A. Leslie Scott, one of my favorites, writing as A. Leslie with a railroading yarn, a subject he handled very well, along with the always dependable Lee Bond. The other stories are by Sam Brant (a house-name, so who knows), Cibolo Ford (a name that sounds like a pseudonym, but I don't know if it was or not), Victor Kaufman (an author I know nothing about), and William S. Sullivan, whose story in this issue is his only credit in the Fictionmags Index. I'd read this issue anyway, if only for the Scott and Bond stories; if the others are any good, it would be a nice bonus.


  1. Scott is one of my favorites. Walt Slade novels are a bit like a written "comfort food". When things aren't going great, I often pick one up and have some escape.

  2. Looks like John Wayne to me. I can imagine what a thrill it would have been to get something like this in the mail

  3. Don't see anything like this any longer. He reminds me a bit of a young Robert Mitchum.

  4. Spike,
    I feel the same way about Scott. In fact, I'm feeling the need to read something by him right now.

    Charles and Neil,
    I can see both of those resemblances.
