
Saturday, July 08, 2017

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Romantic Western, July 1938

ROMANTIC WESTERN was the Spicy imprint's answer to RANCH ROMANCES, I suppose, and it looks like it had some pretty good authors appearing in it. All the stories in this issue except one were published under pseudonyms: James P. Olsen writing as James A. Lawson, John A. Saxon writing as Rex Norman, Laurence Donovan writing as Larry Dunn, Robert Leslie Bellem writing as Jerome Severs Perry (a reprint of a story originally published in SPICY WESTERN under Bellem's name), and E. Hoffmann Price writing as John Prentice (Prentice being a house-name but this particular story is another reprint from SPICY WESTERN of a yarn published under the name Hamlin Daly, which was Price's exclusive pseudonym, as far as I know). Got all that? The only other story in the issue is by Jean Beaumont, who has only two credits in the Fictionmags Index, both from ROMANTIC WESTERN in 1938, so that may well be a pseudonym or house-name, too. That reprint information by the way, was compiled by the late Glenn Lord, who in addition to being the world's greatest Robert E. Howard fan also probably knew more about the Spicy pulps than just about anybody. I miss Glenn and am honored that I was able to call him a friend for a number of years. I think there's a lot of good reading in the Spicy pulps, and although I've never read an issue of ROMANTIC WESTERN, or even seen one, I'm sure I would enjoy it.

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