
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Now Available: Rocket's Red Glare

The trade paperback edition of the new Rough Edges Press anthology ROCKET'S RED GLARE is now available on Amazon, and ebook editions for all platforms are available at the various on-line retailers.

I just want to say how proud I am of this book and all the authors involved, and how grateful I am to them and to Brad R. Torgersen and Livia J. Washburn for their work on the cover. There are some great stories in ROCKET'S RED GLARE: a major new novella from Brad R. Torgersen, a USAian story by Sarah A. Hoyt, gritty military SF from Nathan E. Meyer, an interstellar epic by Keith West, a superb first contact yarn from Robert E. Vardeman, suspenseful tales set in our solar system by Christopher Chupik and David Hardy, a poignant look at the future on Mars by Lou Antonelli, and stories set on Earth but involving galactic conflict from Martin L. Shoemaker and myself. Classic SF from top-notch authors. You can't go wrong with that.

Barnes & Noble


  1. Honored to be part of this anthology, James. Thank you for allowing me to participate.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This really looks great. Good work.

  4. Christopher M. Chupik6:37 PM, May 25, 2017

    Thanks to everyone who contributed, everybody who bought a copy (the e-book was #3 on Kindle SF Anthologies on Wed) and most of all to James Reasoner for assembling it.
