
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Max Brand's Western Magazine, September 1953

That's a nice atmospheric cover by H.W. Scott on this issue of MAX BRAND'S WESTERN MAGAZINE, and only the Max Brand story appears to be a reprint (from the January 2, 1937 issue of ARGOSY). The other authors in this issue include H.A. DeRosso, George C. Appell, Gordon D. Shirreffs, Fred Grove, and the house-name Bart Cassidy. That's a good bunch of writers.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Max Brand's evolved the same way as its presumed model, Zane Grey's Western Magazine,. Early issues seem to be all reprints (see also Walt Coburn's) but from late 1951 on they cut down to about one reprint an issue, and not necessarily from Brand. In 1952-3 it looks like Brand only showed in every other issue, which is still a better track record than Zane Grey's in his namesake magazine during the same period.
