
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Soldiers of Fortune, October 1931

The first issue of a short-lived pulp devoted to adventure fiction. It appears there were only four issues of SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE before it went down for the count with the rest of the Clayton magazine line. But the four stories in these pages were from top-notch authors of pulp adventure fare: F.V.W. Mason, Victor Rousseau, S.B.H. Hurst, and Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson. The cover art is by Jerry Delano, who did the covers for all four issues.


  1. Have any of the stories in any of the issues been reprinted? If so, where?

  2. I don't know, but I doubt it. There's an article by P.C. Wren in the second issue called "The Romantic Regiment" that appears in THE COLLECTED SHORT STORIES OF PERCIVAL CHRISTOPHER WREN despite being non-fiction. That may be the only thing that's been reprinted from SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE.

  3. Thank, James; now I don't have to go hunting for any reprints.

  4. Girasol reprinted the entire issue a few years ago in their replica series for a very reasonable $25. Unfortunately, they've been "retiring" a number of those replicas, and SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE #1 was among them. Copies might still be findable from other dealers with a little digging, though. (And they didn't do the other numbers of this title.) / Denny Lien
