
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Western Trails, June 1948

The two Ace Western pulps, WESTERN TRAILS and WESTERN ACES, were pretty good magazines during this era. This particular issue of WESTERN TRAILS features a good cover by Allen Anderson and stories by L.P. Holmes, Joseph Chadwick, Ray Gaulden, John Jo Carpenter, Gladwell Richardson, and Lee Floren. I've enjoyed every issue of WESTERN TRAILS that I've read. 


  1. Enjoy those Ace western pulps myself James. Always good covers and stories

  2. Yay! You RITE!! Gotta lotta shrewd, surreal, subtle, sassy, savvy elixers and electronic elegance on our 22ish YOUTHwitheTRUTH blogOspheres. N'joym, earthling.

    So, like, why should you love our abundant productivity, our bombastic tenaCITY set on a Hill which'll plant the Seeds 4U2 literally 'grow-up' to great heights? Our answer follows...

    CAUTION: our wildchild, accurately-atrocious, metal-breadKrumm-ether R a total waste of thy precious time... yet, a total wealth of bottomless sophistication: who else has actually SEEN the Great Beyond like I have & lived to tell about the bionic, bloated brevity-like-earth we're living on?? So, gain altitude, never attitude, wee earthling: precisely the illusion of an umbrella: if ya dont got it, baby, ya dont got it. Death has no favorites.

    But, yet, Seventh-Heaven's an ultra-great-reward, an excruciatingly deluge of .345 caliber which the quality's a limitless bulldozer: the prize-at-TheEnd-of-this-3D-reality with extravagant explosion few R asking 4 anymore; they're far, far too concerned withe grotesque exploits of the ambivilant piss-ants which swiftly crawl like lemmings to their doom...

    Thank GAWWWD!!! the Don had the BAWLS!!! to say the Manifest Destiny: break-free, earthling, be like a contraversial outgrowth of incredibly intoxicating exaggerations in your zeitgeist. Wiseabove. Wanna join this useFULL idiot Upstairs 4 the most zany, kooky, handcrafted antidotes? Extremely exquisite and ethereal endorphins in abundance? Puh-lenty of pulverizingly-tantalizing psychotics higher than K2 with a humanoid IQ? i2i-kick-ass-ultra-mongo-maximum-rocket-fuel-party-hardy at my pad ya ever encountered without d'New Joisey accent for an eternal slew of precarious, magnanimous and primeval absurdities etched in the Granite Corridoors of our eternity with a total-barrage-of-melt-in-thy-mouth infinte indulgence... ???

    Make Your Choice -SAW
    ...cuzz nobody gits outta here alive, earthling.
