
Monday, November 14, 2016

Catching Up

So, I had to take a week off from social media. There were a variety of reasons for this, some medical (nothing to worry about at this point, more of an annoyance than anything else), some work-related. I hated breaking my streaks on the Forgotten Books and weekend pulp posts. I'd already missed a few Overlooked Movies/TV/etc. posts in recent weeks and those may continue to be sporadic for a while, as will posts in general. But I'm back on the blog and Facebook and plan to be around on both for the foreseeable future.


  1. Glad you're back, and I hope all is well.

  2. Must be in my age group - I can be a bit hit and miss myself, glad to see you back.

  3. I was worried when I didn't get my dose of weekend pulp covers. Welcome back!

  4. You're regular readers have missed you, James. Post when you can.

  5. The pulp posts will be back this weekend. Normally I have them scheduled a couple of weeks in advance, but circumstances caught me by surprise.

    I appreciate the kind words from everyone. Getting the glaucoma in my eyes under control has proven to be more difficult than I, and my ophthalmologist, anticipated, but I'm on some new meds now and maybe they'll work without causing so many side effects. I'll be going back for a checkup on that right after Thanksgiving. The work problems are still kind of blowing up in my face, but hey, better too much to do than not enough, right?

  6. Glad to see you back, James. My blogosphere is damn near empty without you.

  7. Happy to see you back and here's hoping for a quick resolution to the eye problem.
