
Friday, November 18, 2016

A Million Words and Counting

I reached the million word mark today for the 12th straight year. The first time I hit that level, back in 2005, I had no idea I'd still be writing that much a dozen years later. In the past I've talked about when I'm going to slow down, but I've come to realize I have no idea what's going to happen from year to year. I have enough work lined up for 2017 that I ought to be around a million words again. We'll have to wait and see whether that comes about. Most importantly to me, I'm still having fun, at least most of the time.


  1. Congratulations. And as long as you're having fun, it really doesn't feel like work, does it?

  2. Keith,
    It's starting to feel like work some days.

  3. Long after we are all gone, you will be listed up there with Max Brand and H. Bedford Jones. Pretty good company and you managed to do it after the pulp era was over!

  4. What an astounding feat. Congratulations!

  5. What Bill said. Once is amazing, but to do it every year is phenomenal.

  6. Day-um! That is such an impressive fear. That's a 3105 words per day pace. And you still have 43 more days in 2016. You are truly a modern pulpster.

  7. I'm wordless over your awesome output!

  8. I feel like such a slacker. My best year since I started tracking my word count was 216,000, and at this year's pace I'll barely crack 150,000. I should have spent more time with you at ArmadilloCon in the hopes that some of the magic would drift my direction. Anyhow, congratulations!

  9. If you ever run short, I have a few syllables I can spare. Congrats on an incredible feat.

  10. That it can still be a good time is a wonderful aspect...good work, sir.
