
Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Annual December 27th Post

As always on this date, I like to pause and reflect on my years in this business. 39 of them, in fact, because I made my first sale on December 27, 1976, as those of you who read this blog regularly may recall. The details of that sale, plus assorted reminiscences about the early days of my writing career, can be found in December 27 posts from previous years. I tried to think of some new, never-before-revealed detail about that first sale, or my early career in general, but really, there ain't none. It wasn't that exciting a time. (Well, it was exciting for me to get that check, of course, really exciting, and Livia was probably pretty pleased as well, since it meant I wasn't totally crazy to believe that I could write for money, but other than that...)

So I'll just fall back on thanking everyone who's helped along the way, starting with Livia, of course, and including my daughters Shayna and Joanna, who have helped out many times in many ways, plus all the editors, agents, and fellow writers who have helped make it possible. I'd list them all, but there are too many and I'd forget somebody.

Next year will be 40 years for me as a writer. I'll try to think of something more interesting to say by then.


  1. 39 years in the biz is pretty interesting in its own right.

  2. A nice milestone in a great career!

  3. Quite an achievement. You have managed to make a living as a pulp writer even though the pulps are long gone. And I mean that as a compliment.

  4. I'm happy for you , Pappy. If I'd started when you did, instead of =eleven months later, I'd be as famous and well-loved as you. Thirty-nine years is something to be proud of; just ask Jack Benny!

  5. And thankfully you haven't been a loss for words. Wishing you many more.

  6. Thanks, Walker. That's exactly how I've always regarded my career

  7. Thanks for being part of FFB for all these years!

  8. 40 years. I am truly in awe of all you've accomplished. And here I was reading all those Shayne magazine novels and had no idea they were yours. Congratulations, James (and Livia).

  9. Congratulations. Here's to another 39 productive years.

  10. That is an amazing accomplishment, one you wouldn't have been able to attain without both the talent and the stick-to-it-iveness you clearly have. Congratulations.
