
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Night of the Ghost Cat - Peter Brandvold

Hell has frozen-over in the town of Sanctuary, New Mexico Territory... 

Clay Carmody, unwitting ghoul hunter, has no time for ghouls. He had his fill of ghouls in Poudre Canyon. (See Canyon of a Thousand Eyes.) Having forked paths with the beautiful Claudine Bridger, sheriff of Camp Hawkins, the drifter has lit out on his own to the mountains of northern New Mexico, where he is holing up in a remote line shack. 

It figures to be a quiet winter for Clay Carmody. He and his young line shack partner, Ronnie Landry, will likely fill their nights drinking and playing poker and watching the snow fall after days filled with making sure the range of their boss, Old Man Bradbury, isn’t encroached upon by rustlers or nesters. 

Unfortunately, rustlers or nesters are the least of Carmody’s problems. 

When a big cougar kills young Landry, Carmody must take to the hunting trail. The trail leads him to the town of Sanctuary, which, much to Carmody’s dismay, is no sanctuary at all. 

It turns out that Sanctuary is being stalked by the same cat that killed Carmody’s partner. The cat seems to kill indiscriminately. Its blood lust is insatiable. Not even Carmody’s boss, Old Man Bradbury, and the young Duke and Duchess of Norfolk are exempt from its savagery. It will render Bradbury’s pretty, lusty young daughter speechless and worse... 

As the storm rages over Sanctuary, the cat stalks the town—attacking and terrifying, torturing its victims. It amuses itself by torturing men in the most hideous ways imaginable. 

And it seems impervious to bullets... 

Clay Carmody, the reluctant ghoul hunter, finds himself on the hunt for yet another ghoul. At least he has a beautiful demon-hunting witch at his side. But not even the lovely witch from another time, another place may be enough to save Carmody from the cunningly wicked and shape-shifting ghoul who time and time again proves itself the Devil’s own worst nightmare. 

For the ghost cat seems intent on turning the town of Sanctuary into a blood-drenched Hell... 


(About that'd be well advised to take it seriously. However, it doesn't say anything about great action scenes, vividly described settings, and a fine protagonist in Clay Carmody, and you get all those things in this book, too. As always, Mean Pete spins a fast-paced Western adventure yarn. NIGHT OF THE GHOST CAT is one of those one-sitting books you hear about, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a Weird Western!)

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