
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all o' yuh durn galoots. In these days of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and all the other social media I can't keep up with, I'm thankful for those of you who still take the time to stop by an old-fashioned blog. I plan to work a little today, take a little time off, and eat more than I should. That sounds like a good holiday to me.


  1. Yep, nothing like a good ol'fashioned blog; the kind grandpa used to read while he was putting in his dentures and rolling his cigarettes.

    At least I think they were cigarettes....

  2. Well, a cigaret doesn't require its content to be tobacco...

    Happy T-day, one and all...

  3. Enjoy the meal and the company, James.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you, James, and Livia, and all your family. I don't engage in any of that social media stuff, either. Just my blog these those I visit. It's enough.

  5. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and the turkey was as good as ours and all the fixin's.

  6. We had a good old fashioned Thanksgiving - Food and Football and Family it was great. Hope you had a great day.
