
Sunday, August 09, 2015

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: North-West Romances, Summer 1943

Since we're in the hottest part of the year, I thought a Northern cover might be a nice, refreshing break. You know, all that snow. Plus a pretty redhead in a tight yellow jacket, a stalwart Mountie, a dastardly villain, and stories by Harry F. Olmsted, Sgt. Dan O'Rourke, Lee Floren, A. deHerries Smith, and the prolific "John Starr", a house-name for this particular publisher. I'll bet they're all pretty good yarns, with a lot of snow and cold weather in them.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE how specialized the Pulps were in their hey-day: NORTH WEST ROMANCE STORIES ???

    "There are strange things done,
    'neath the midnight sun....."
