
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Ranch Romances, Second February Number, 1951

An eye-catching cover I like quite a bit on this issue of RANCH ROMANCES. I'd like to write a story based on that scene. Maybe I will. In the meantime, there's an excellent line-up of hardboiled Western Writers in this issue: Joseph Chadwick (I think I read a reprint of this story in TRIPLE WESTERN), Giff Cheshire, Wayne D. Overholser, Hascal Giles, and Bennett Foster. Lots of very good stories in RANCH ROMANCES during this era.


  1. My Dad was a subscriber to these magazines, and I almost had "the big one" when -- after he passed -- I found out my mother had tossed all the old issues I had saved and were stored in the attic. My brother taught me to read when I was four, and there never seemed to be enough books or enough time; and the western pulps were my very favorite reads. (Beat the heck out of "Billy and Blaze", that's for sure!)

    I think a story based on that cover would be a great idea, Jim. WRITE ON!

  2. I like the banner at the top: "All Stories New... No Reprints". The cover art reminds me of Jane Russell from "The Outlaw".
