
Monday, August 17, 2015

Rough Edges Press Update

When I decided a little more than a year and a half ago to become a small press publisher, my plans had an emphasis on the "small" part. I figured I'd reprint a few books by friends of mine that I thought ought to be available again and maybe do an original or two, along with my own books. It never occurred to me that I would wind up publishing 48 books in 18 months, or that Rough Edges Press would bring out more originals than reprints.

As it stands right now, I have a good-sized inventory of books and stories still to publish, and I haven't been able to devote as much time to that as I hoped, so I'm announcing that for the time being, and with a couple of exceptions, Rough Edges Press is closed to submissions. I plan to spend the rest of the year working through the projects I've already committed to and get them out there to the readers where they need to be.

As for those exceptions I mentioned, the Adult Western series Blaze! has openings in the schedule for next year, so if you're interested in possibly contributing to it, drop me an e-mail any time and I'll get you a copy of the series bible, if you don't already have it. Also, I'm still in need of a few good Alternate History stories for the anthology I'm putting together, which now looks like it will be out sometime this fall, along with the Weird Menace anthology (which is full and now officially closed).

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have written, read, bought, and reviewed Rough Edges Press books, and special thanks to Livia for all the help and advice she's given me. I hope I've done right by all of you. I've enjoyed publishing good books, and I have plans for much more to come, as soon as I get caught up.


  1. Congrats on the success of Rough Edges! Keep putting them out, I'll keep buying them...

  2. Way to go, Pappy!

    We all appreciate your creativity! (Livia's, too, natch.)

  3. Good to know it's working out. Is there a site I can find a list of books published by the press?

  4. Excellent, man. Glad it has been successful. Rock on!

  5. Dan, is fairly complete. Might be one or two more since it was updated. Also you can see all the covers at

  6. So does this mean The Adventure of Dicky-Wucky at Happy Valley Farm that I submitted won't be published soon? Maybe it was too hard-boiled to get in the queue. ;-)

    Glad to hear it's going so well, James, that's great news!

  7. Congratulations for the success and all the fine work!

  8. Dang. I should have sent that story before the door slammed.
