
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Argosy, February 22, 1930

Since I seem to have a Leslie Scott theme going this weekend, here's an issue of ARGOSY containing his novelette under the A. Leslie name, "Six-Gun Railroading".  In addition to that we've got an installment of a John Solomon novel by H. Bedford-Jones (haven't read any of those yet, but I need to), part of a Radio Planet serial by Ralph Milne Farley (ditto), more serials by George W. Ogden and Fred MacIsaac, and a short story by Eustace L. Adams. Plus a sword-totin' Viking babe on the cover. Looks like a pretty good issue to me.

1 comment:

  1. The Viking cover is for "The Radio Gun Runners" which is a sequel to "The Radio Flyers." Inner world adventure, not interplanetary. Fun stuff.
