
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Chess, Comics, Crosswords, Books, Music, Cinema: The Red Reef by James Reasoner, 2008

Chess, Comics, Crosswords, Books, Music, Cinema: The Red Reef by James Reasoner, 2008: In The Red Reef , a 23-page sea adventure, Captain Thomas Larkin is racked by guilt even though he committed no crime. The master of  ‘ ...

(One of my favorites of the stories I've done, and I appreciate the kind words from Prashant. Check out his blog post for the rest of his review.)


  1. Mr. Reasoner, I appreciate the link to my review, thank you. I enjoyed reading your stories and look forward to more.

  2. I remember this story well. I could be wrong but did I first read it in Hardluck Stories?

  3. Yes, that's where it originally appeared in 2008.

  4. You shot back a memory, James. I was in a hotel in Mississippi and printed off that and every story from Hardluck's final (I believe) issue. Used up all the paper in the business office.
