
Monday, November 24, 2014

A Milestone of Sorts

I realized recently that the last book I finished was my 315th novel, which means I've written a hundred books since the fire in January '08. That's 100 books, plus 30 pieces of shorter fiction ranging from flash stories to 15,000 word novellas, in 82 months. No wonder I'm tired.


  1. Wow. Just wow. Congrats, James. A magnificent achievement.

  2. And every one a winner. Amazing, astounding, and startling.

  3. Congratulations, James! Hey, Mike Avalonne would be proud of you.

  4. James, you are astoundingly prolific. I don't know how you accomplish all you accomplish, but I'm glad you do. :-)

  5. Hey Cap'n Bob, Amazing, Astounding, and Startling, are the only fiction magazines that James hasn't appeared in!

  6. You're tired, and I'm in awe. I'm especially in awe of how good you're looking. I didn't know you'd started wearing glasses, though.

  7. Walker, I had the same thought. Years ago Livia and I both sold stories to a trade paperback anthology series called THE NEW BLACK MASK. I was thrilled. No, it wasn't the real thing, but still, it said BLACK MASK on the cover. Only by the time our stories came out, the series title had been changed to A MATTER OF CRIME. I was still glad for the sale (which paid pretty well, as I recall), but disappointed that I wasn't going to be in THE NEW BLACK MASK.

  8. Congratulations! It sounds like you're well on your way to breaking Asimov's record for number of books published.

  9. Congratulations, James. Quite a milestone. And you're lookin' sexy. Must be the glasses!

  10. Congratulations! Quite an amazing achievement.

  11. Congratulations, James. A really fine record without sacrificing quality.

  12. That is an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations, get some rest and come up pounding the keys. Wow!

  13. Good grief! 315+? Congratulations! You deserve a break from all the hard work.

  14. One of my all-time favorite writers--and you're so damned prolific too. I need to take a nap just for reading your post. Congratulations, James.

  15. Few writers work a shard as you do, James. Congrats.


  16. Yes, James, a "milestone of sorts"... a most remarkable sort, as many of the people commenting are well situated to recognize! Congratulations to you and Livia for getting your productive household back on track with such efficiency and finesse after 2008. And you didn't mention the work you do on the always absorbing and helpful Rough Edges. It remains top of my blog-surfing list.

  17. Much more than a milestone of sorts. More than impressive. Well done.

  18. Congratulations. That's quite a milestone

  19. Walker--I'm pleased you got my references.
