
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Triple Detective, Summer 1954

TRIPLE WESTERN yesterday, TRIPLE DETECTIVE today. Although two of the authors in this issue are actually better known for their Westerns: Lee E. Wells and H.A. DeRosso, who has a short story in this one that's not mentioned on the cover. Also not on the cover are stories by Fredric Brown and my old editor Sam Merwin Jr. Along with Norman Daniels and Wyatt Blassingame, that's a pretty good line-up.


  1. I wish there was still a magazine like this. Three novelettes.

  2. Some of the e-book originals seem to be about as close as we can come these days. A lot of them run between 20K and 40K words. That's a great length for genre fiction.

  3. I think Wyatt Blassigame must have been the brother of Lurton Blassingame, Robert Heinlein's literary agent. I think there's something about that in Volume II of Patterson's Heinlein biography, just out this month.
