
Saturday, May 03, 2014

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Star Western, June 1935

A good-looking issue of my personal favorite of Popular Publications' Western pulps, STAR WESTERN. The cover is by Emery Clarke, and inside are stories by stalwarts Harry F. Olmsted, Robert E. Mahaffey, William F. Bragg, Art Lawson, Gunnison Steele, Barry Scobee, George Armin Shaftel, and Oliver King, who was better known under the pseudonym Stone Cody (his real name was Thomas Mount).


  1. I didn't realize women's fashions were quite so "clingy" back in those days… Great cover.

  2. I knew there was something bothering me about that cover. Women back then wore Mother Hubbards and loose fitting petticoats and dresses, not the clinging dress this gal has on.

  3. Dramatic license, guys, dramatic license. (She is quite fetching, isn't she?)

  4. I was just looking at some SPICY WESTERN covers, so I guess we are lucky the girl has a dress on at all. Or maybe we are not so lucky?

    Harold Hersey was known for publishing oddball titles like GUNMOLL STORIES. How about TRAMP TALES, PROSTITUTE STORIES, or WHORES GALORE.
