
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Fantastic Adventures, March 1942

FANTASTIC ADVENTURES had some great covers. This one is by J. Allen St. John, illustrating the Edgar Rice Burroughs story inside. Other authors of note in this issue are Henry Kuttner and Ross Rocklynne.


  1. Hey James, Yes indeed, St John did some awesome covers, really nice eye catching cover of that tiger, I would have bought it back then! A bunch of great stories passed though that mag, I like the Taffy Stories of the naked gal...Am working on my blog The Adventure Continues on a great northern mag Northwest Stories...

  2. I think the "naked gal" stories were about Toffee, not Taffy (though I'll admit I never actually read one). Re the FANTASTIC ADVENTURES cover, I think I recall a note in a Burroughs Bibliophile magazine many years ago pointing out it was a goof -- the tigerish beast was Pellucidarian, not Amtorian; the cover had been meant to run in AMAZING with one of the ERB Pellucidar stories appearing there, but someone goofed. / Denny Lien
