
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Best Reason to Have a Time Machine

Forget about all that "changing history" jazz. I want to go back to 1942 and pay a visit to this newsstand. Thanks to Paul Di Filippo for posting a link to this picture on the Fictionmags group. You can see more detail if you go to the page. There's a good chance I own copies of some of those pulps.


  1. This is one of the better and more detailed newsstand photos that I've ever seen. I see you can order glossy prints also.

  2. I've actually thought about such. The sets one could collect. Doc. Shadow. Spider. And on and on.

  3. And, while we're all piling copies of pulp magazines in our baskets, we can pick up some comics and keep them in mint condition. But, man! Just the sheer number of available options in this image. I haven't seen that many options since...I scanned Amazon today. Might Amazon, et. al. be the modern day pulp factory?

    BTW, the Shorpy feed is one I subscribe to and love just about every photo.

  4. One of my favorite place to buy books was the Rexall drug store in Grand Central Station--racks and racks of them!


  5. Great minds think alike. I wouldn't want to change history, I'd hunt for books that were no longer available or that I couldn't afford, comics, too.

    Think how many lost plays and books you could get with a time machine...
