
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Writing Update

After hitting the million-word mark yesterday, I had a pretty good morning today (family get-together this afternoon) and finished the month with 416 pages, certainly a respectable total. There were a couple of really good weeks during November to go with a couple of weeks that weren't as productive. But I'm on schedule to get done what I need to get done, and maybe a little extra now and then. I remembered the other day that I have about 10,000 words of a thriller written. If I could carve out an extra few weeks sometime next year I could finish it. Plus I finally have the plot worked out for a Judge Earl Stark novella that's been percolating in my head for a while. I need those 30-hour days!

1 comment:

  1. Stark, Stark Stark, Stark, Stark! Stark, Stark Stark, Stark, Stark! Stark, Stark Stark, Stark, Stark! Stark, Stark Stark, Stark, Stark! Stark, Stark Stark, Stark, Stark! Stark, Stark Stark, Stark, Stark! Stark, Stark Stark, Stark, Stark!
