
Sunday, November 03, 2013

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Uncanny Tales, November 1939

Nobody ever bought a Weird Menace pulp because its cover was tasteful and restrained, and this is a perfect example of that. Creepy villains in space helmets, nearly naked girl, stalwart raygun-toting hero . . . what more do you need? Well, how about stories by Robert Leslie Bellem, Arthur J. Burks, Ray Cummings, Allan K. Echols (better known for his Westerns) and Russell Gray (Bruno Fischer)? Over the top, sure, but I'll bet it's fun.


  1. Being "tasteful and restrained" takes all the fun out of it. If I saw a cover like that in the news-stands, I'd spend my lunch money on it!

  2. This was a direct competitor to THRILLING WONDER STORIES?

  3. Richard asks if UNCANNY was a direct competitor to THRILLING WONDER. At one time I had all the weird menace pulps: HORROR STORIES, TERROR TALES, DIME MYSTERY, THRILLING MYSTERY, etc. UNCANNY was a Red Circle magazine and stressed the weird menace angle which seldom had anything to do with SF. So it was one of the risqué weird menace pulps with lots of damsels in distress, mainly from senile cretins who often dreamed up outrageous supernatural plots. But most of the stories ended with a logical explanation which explained the supernatural elements.
