
Friday, November 29, 2013

Another Million Words

It's the day after Thanksgiving, but tonight I'm thankful that today I went over one million words for the year, for the ninth straight year. As I've mentioned before, I'd really like to reach that level again next year, because I think writing a million words a year for ten years in a row would be pretty cool. If I can do that, I'm seriously considering slowing down some in 2015. I've been really lucky to have the opportunities I've had and I've tried to take advantage of them, but I'm starting to get a little tired. I think the quality of the work is staying fairly high, though. At least I'm still learning new things all the time. That keeps it interesting.


  1. That's 2740 words a day, assuming you use all 365 days which you didn't! Very impressive. I average about 2,000-3,000 words a weekday, sometimes 4,000, but with a small child in the house my word count on the weekends goes way down. Hey, being a dad is more important than being a writer!
    Some day I'd like to be as prolific as you. I've noticed that the more I write the easier it becomes to write more. I'll just have to work my way up.

  2. Another year, another million. Way to go, James!

  3. Sean,
    Being a dad is definitely more important than being a writer. That's always been my rule, too.

    Thanks, Bill.

  4. Congratulations, nine times over. I envy you--I'm still counting. Takes me forever.

  5. That sound you heard? That was my jaw dropping to the floor. Astounding record. Major congratulations. And I agree with you and Sean: fatherhood is not even in the same ballpark as writing. Ironically for me, weekends--because I still get up at my standard workday time--is when I "catch up" on the word count and write more than a workday.

  6. Way to go, sir! You're an inspiration, you are.

  7. Wow--congratulations, James. You amaze me, sir!

  8. Awe-inspiring ... Not only in volume, but also in the high quality maintained. You da man, James.

  9. Excellent! Congratulations. Way to be an inspiration to us while making us look bad at the same time. :) Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  10. Incredible. Just bloody incredible.
