
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Western Rodeo Romances, Fall 1950

Another RANCH ROMANCES competitor, although even more specialized with its emphasis on rodeo stories. A good line-up of authors, though, including Robert J. Hogan (of G-8 and His Battle Aces fame), Frank Richardson Pierce, Joe Archibald, Clinton Dangerfield, Edwin P. Hicks, and Cliff Walters. (The fact that this issue sports a cover featuring a good-looking redhead with cleavage and a smoking six-gun had nothing to do with me deciding to post it, of course.)


  1. This is a title that I don't remember ever seeing. In fact THE ADVENTURE HOUSE GUIDE TO THE PULPS does not even list it in the checklist of pulp magazines. Another rare and short lived title.

  2. It's a continuation of RODEO ROMANCES, Walker. The issue in this post is the first one under this title. It ran for at least two more issues, but I doubt it lasted any longer than that. All three of the issues under WESTERN RODEO ROMANCES are indexed in the FMI.
