
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday's Overlooked TV: George Gobel on The Tonight Show

Here's another classic moment from THE TONIGHT SHOW that I saw when it aired the first time and many times after that on anniversary shows. Most people have probably forgotten about George Gobel, but he always cracks me up, this bit in particular.

THE TONIGHT SHOW was actually a pretty important series for us. Livia and I watched it regularly, not every night but most nights, for years and years and years. Johnny, Ed, Doc, and Tommy Newsom were like old friends, and I hated to see their run end.


  1. I never made it up that late. Comics now rely on X-rated material. Goble and others from that era proved it could be funny without being X-rated.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (Sorry, the previous comment was too blue for a family blog--or, actually, I misspelled a name here...)

    Patti, you simply haven't tried the right comics, including any number who don't lean on risque (from Maria Bamford to Dana Gould to Paul F. Tompkins) to those who make a point of being "clean" (Brian Regan).

  4. Hilarious! I loved Gobel, and what a line-up Carson had on that night! I'd love to see the entire show.

  5. I'll never forget Lonesome George. I loved his TV show when I was a kid.

  6. I have seen this many times and Gobel's classic line has never left me. There were so many priceless moments like this on Carson's show.

  7. I saw it the night it happened, too. I loved TTS and lost a lot of sleep on account of it.
