
Saturday, April 06, 2013

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: West, January 1952

A rather pensive cover from the January 1952 issue of the appropriately named and long running WEST (354 issues from 1926 to 1953). With a lead novel by William Hopson and a reprint of an Ernest Haycox story from COLLIER'S, an issue likely worth reading, too.

1 comment:

  1. WEST is one of my favorites and the subject of a recent long article in BLOOD N THUNDER magazine. The Doubleday years of 1926-1935 are really outstanding and puts WEST in the running as one of the very best western fiction magazines.

    The years after 1935 are not too bad either. Frankly I really like the cover of this issue because it is not the usual shoot 'em up gunfight. Very well done.
