
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Coming Soon: West of the Big River: The Lawman - James Reasoner

My newest Western novel will be out soon. THE LAWMAN is the first book in the West of the Big River series, published by Western Fictioneers. This is going to be a fine series of new short novels based on historical figures and incidents from the Old West, with a great line-up of contributing authors including Robert J. Randisi, Michael Newton, Jackson Lowry, Frank Roderus, Bill Crider, Matthew P. Mayo, James J. Griffin, and many others. You can read about this and all the other Western Fictioneers publishing projects on the WF blog.


  1. oooh, this looks really interesting!

  2. Im really looking forward to this James,keep us updated.

  3. Amazing cover, James! Can't wait tom read the book.


  4. Best of luck on the novel! I like that your publisher is putting posters of missing kids in each book. A quick and easy way to do some good.
