
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Movies: Skyfall

I've seen all the James Bond movies (I haven't seen the 1950s TV adaptation), so it was inevitable I'd watch this one, too. I didn't like it quite as much as I'd expected to -- the plot seemed a little thin to me -- but there's still plenty of good stuff in it: M's Tennyson quote. The return of the Aston-Martin. The big shootout at the castle, which has sort of a Western feel to it. Javier Bardem shamelessly chewing every bit of available scenery as the villain. The feeling of everything coming full circle at the end. I'm still not sold on Daniel Craig as Bond, but I'm all right with it. And of course, I'll keep watching.

1 comment:

  1. It had great action, solid acting, humor, a cool villain, a well-written script and it's an all around solid film. Not perfect, but solid. Good review James.
