
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Far East Adventure Stories, April 1931

Guy bears a certain resemblance to Popeye, doesn't he? Seems strange now to see a story by Jay J. Kalez featured over those by H. Bedford-Jones, Hugh B. Cave, and Murray Leinster. I don't know that I've ever read anything by Kalez, an author who's almost completely forgotten. Leslie T. White and Warren Hastings Miller, both good writers, are also in this issue.


  1. A few years at Pulpcon several issues of FAR EAST ADVENTURE STORIES sold for high prices at auction. Each issue sold for several hundred dollars each with a couple going for $1,000. It's a rare title and only lasted 9 issues.

  2. Boy, I'd love to read that one, with several favorite authors in it.

  3. Ditto. Maybe someone will come out with a reprint edition. I'd also like to see Zeppelin Tales, another rarity far out of my price range.

  4. Adventure House has published a reprint of the February 1931 issue of Far East Adventure Stories. has it for $14.95.
