
Saturday, February 09, 2013

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Indian Stories, Summer 1950

There were only three issues of this pulp, which would seem to bear out the theory that stories featuring Indians weren't that popular with the readers. None of the other Indian-themed pulps lasted very long, as far as I know. But it wasn't for lack of good writers being involved. This first issue of INDIAN STORIES featured contributions from Les Savage, Jr., Walt Sheldon, and John Murray Reynolds, among others. And it had a decent cover by Allen Anderson, to boot.


  1. I see the cover states "adventures of the first Americans", which might have been a problem in 1950. I remember my friends and I played *cowboy and indians* all the time in 1950. But nobody wanted to be the indian. It was cowboy, cowboy, and more cowboys. Soon the TV was deluged with cowboy dramas. Not too many indians however.

  2. Wow, never saw an issue of this pulp before.
    Between the cover art/design and the glorious title, Hostage-Maid of Massacre Mesa, I'm going to guess this is a Fiction House magazine.
    The art is quite nice. Check out the double-lighting on the Indian-- looks like firelight coming from the front and moonlight from the side. Do we know who painted it? Looks to me like it might be Alan Anderson.

    Man, I love pulp magazines. Thanks.

    John Hocking

  3. John,
    INDIAN STORIES was published by Wings Publishing Company, don't know if that was an off-shoot of Fiction House or not. But just looking at it, there sure appears to be a connection. Definitely Alan Anderson on the cover. Great artist.

  4. I could tell that was Allen Anderson on the cover before I even read it in your post. What a distinctive style -- and I can't even tell you what it is that makes me recognize his work here ('cause mostly I've seen it on Planet Stories and stuff like that). Did he paint the covers to a lot of Dell Comics' issues of Lone Ranger or Hi-Yo Silver?

  5. Duane,
    I don't find anything on-line about Anderson doing comic book work, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did. I see I misspelled his first name in the post. I need to go back and fix that.

  6. This is very interesting. There is a nice little bio of Allen Gustav Anderson over at which showcases some of his cover art from Spicy Mystery, Speed Mystery, Spicy Adventure, Lariat Stories, Spicy Detective, Planet Stories, Winter Planet Stories, Planet Stories, and others. I am, of course, assuming it's one and the same person.

  7. is a great website created by David Saunders who is the son of well known pulp artist, Norman Saunders. It is an excellent source for pulp artist information and I highly recommend it.

  8. Indian Stories is definitely a part of Fiction House. It's short run may have more to do with the times (1950) than with the title. Captain Zero, another pulp launched around this time, was cancelled quickly as well.
