
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Movies: Taken 2

We watched the first TAKEN movie and thought it was okay. The second one is more of the same, a brisk, efficient action film. The best part about it is that Liam Neeson seems to be having a great time playing a bad-ass as he runs around Istanbul chasing the bad guys who have kidnapped his ex-wife. You'll know nearly everything that's going to happen, but it's still fairly entertaining.


  1. Nice coincidence as we rented this one last night. It's basically a rehash of TAKEN with Istanbul subbing for Paris and the now 60 year old Neeson getting a little old for this kind of action but having a great time at it. The best part? It is 91 minutes of action at a time where nearly every movie seems to be two hours plus. You just let it wash over you without having to think how ridiculously implausible it all is.

    It made more than enough money for a TAKEN 3 to be contemplated, though Neeson has cast doubt that he'll be on board again. We'll see.

    Jeff M.

  2. If there's a TAKEN 3 I'll go see it. I really liked TAKEN. TAKEN 2 was just okay. You can't go wrong with Liam Neeson.
