
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday's Overlooked TV: Love Monkey

This series lasted only eight episodes back in 2006 so it's probably pretty much forgotten. We watched and enjoyed all eight episodes, though. Most shows that can be described as "quirky" don't work for me, but this one did. It was a comedy/drama about a music company executive, played by Tom Cavanagh (who always seemed to be in quirky shows) who was fired from his job and wound up at a small indie label where everybody else was, you guessed it, quirky, too. I thought it was a pretty good show, though, with a good cast that also included Judy Greer, who I really like, and some good music. It's not available on DVD, but the first episode can be found on YouTube.


  1. More than most NBC series strangled in their cribs, this one has a cult following. Greer's participation usually is a good sign, quite aside from her work being easy for me to watch...I assume you're aware of her current gig, on the (alas, to this extent) animated spy sitcom ARCHER?

  2. Todd,
    I've heard about ARCHER but haven't ever seen it and didn't know Judy Greer was part of the cast. Something else to check out when I have the time, I expect.

  3. This one went right by me. Also a big fan of Judy Greer. She was brilliant on BIG BANG as an amorous professor.

  4. I watched a couple of episodes, but all I could see was Ed, a show I liked, but anyone who I asked about it hated. Was Love Monkey based on a book with the same title?

  5. Sorry, I misremembered...this one, unlike ED, was on CBS...who dumped it after three episodes...and then VH1 picked up the option to cablecast the remaining five episodes that had been filmed.

    Kent, I don't believe it was based on a book, per se...

  6. Wikipedia says it's based on the novel of the same name by Kyle Smith. I must have just seen the three episodes on CBS, since we don't have cable and wouldn't have seen the ones on VH1. I thought I remembered watching more episodes than that. But memory is a fickle thing . . .

  7. Ha! Two for two today. That's what quick glances at the incomplete databases gets you...might you be conflating it with episodes of ED, as well, James?

  8. Anything is possible where my memory is concerned, although I don't recall watching ED except for maybe the first episode.

    Last month we watched some made-for-TV Christmas movie with Tom Cavanagh as Santa Claus. Odd casting, to say the least.

  9. As a followup to my esrlier message. I picked up a copy of the novel Love Monkey at hospital charity book sale on Friday for $2.00. Just one more book I will never read. The best purchase was a first Dell PB of John D. MacDonald's Deadly Welcome for 50 cents. James, I wish you would bring back your Nonday posts about your purchases.
