
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Western Story, December 26, 1936

WESTERN STORY could always be counted on to have a Christmas cover on one of the late December issues. I like this one quite a bit. There are several Christmas-themed stories in this issue, too, including a lead novel by Seth Ranger, who was really Frank Richardson Pierce, a pretty darned good writer.


  1. I just read a Seth Ranger story in the WESTERN STORY 1929 Christmas issue. It was a long one at 44 pages and excellent.

    Usually in an attempt to capture the Holiday spirit, I read some of the Street & Smith Christmas stories, usually in WESTERN STORY, DETECTIVE STORY or POPULAR MAGAZINE. The covers are great and this is one of my favorites too.

    Jack Deveny, pulp dealer and collector, used to make up special Christmas cards from the holiday pulps and send them out to his friends and customers.

    James, I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. ROUGH EDGES is one of my favorite sites on the internet.

  2. Walker,
    I used to buy pulps from Jack Deveny, so we got those great Christmas cards from him, too. I always looked forward to seeing what he would come up with.
