
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Now Available: The Silver Alibi (A Judge Earl Stark Western)

Big Earl rides again!

Earl Stark was once a fast-shooting stagecoach guard in Texas before taking up the study of law, becoming an attorney, and eventually being appointed a federal district court judge. Now he combines a keen legal mind with a frontiersman's gun-handy toughness to bring justice to the Old West.

One of New York Times bestselling author James Reasoner's most popular characters, Judge Earl Stark is back in a brand-new 27,000 word short novel full of action and mystery. THE SILVER ALIBI finds him dealing with feuding mine owners, bushwhackers, cold-blooded murder, and a wild ruckus that lands Judge Stark himself behind bars before he can nab a ruthless killer.

If you haven't met Big Earl yet, now's your chance!

I've written here before about how this character came to be created. I'm really fond of him. Sure, he's a Mary Sue, at least to a certain extent, but only as far as physical resemblance goes. I assure you, Judge Earl Stark is a lot smarter and tougher than I am!

Anyway, just in time for Christmas, he's back in THE SILVER ALIBI, a brand-new 27,000 word short novel that went live on Amazon this evening. There'll also be a Nook edition and a large print trade paperback edition. If you know a Western reader with a Kindle, this would make a fine gift. If you're a Western reader with a Kindle, it would be perfect to read on Christmas afternoon after all the presents have been opened, the kids have worn themselves out playing with their new toys, and everybody's stuffed from a big dinner.

The books and stories in the Judge Earl Stark series have always been intended as Western mysteries, part Louis L'Amour, part Perry Mason. Check out THE SILVER ALIBI, and I hope you enjoy it!


  1. The first thing I ever read by you was a Judge Earl Stark book, The Diablo Grant, and I have been hooked ever since. I can even remember where I bought it, the Borders at Preston and Royal in Dallas.


  2. The Diablo Grant was the first one I read, too. In fact, I was teaching a class at the time and I used it in the class! All the students liked it much better than THE HORSE WHISPERER. Me, too.

    Thanks for bringing ole Earl back, James. He's my favorite of all your characters.


  3. James,i love Big Earl. Hope you do more.
