
Saturday, December 01, 2012

New Interview

There's a lengthy new interview with me at the on-line magazine The Lowestoft Chronicle that I think is one of the best I've done. Lots of information about the early days of my writing career (most of which makes me feel about a thousand years old). Take a look at it if you're of a mind to, and while you're there check out the fine fiction and poetry on the site.


  1. Great interview. I can't believe I still learned some new things about you!

  2. Ditto what Charles said--that was a really fine (and inspiring!) interview.

  3. Talk about an THAT was an interview. An absolute winner James. My gosh you've had a spectacular, unbelievable career and you're still going strong.

    I'm outta my league just writing you this comment. Again, enjoyed reading this very much. - Jim

  4. Enjoyed reading that, just wish I had more time to read more books in genres other than westerns so I could catch up on some of the books mentioned in the interview.
