
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: South Sea Stories, August 1940

South sea stories were a popular genre in the adventure pulps, and there was even a short-lived magazine devoted entirely to them, published by Ziff-Davis and edited by the legendary Raymond A. Palmer. This issue features a lead novel by Z-D regular Robert Moore Williams, along with a story by "Alexander Blade", a popular house-name that appeared in just about every magazine Z-D published. Other authors in this issue include Robert Leslie Bellem, who did most of his work for the Spicy pulps, and the always excellent Manly Wade Wellman. I've never seen an issue of SOUTH SEA STORIES, and I'm not sure I'd want to read a whole issue of such yarns, but if I did this looks like it would be a good issue to try.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy em in small doses. I read L'Amour's collection and they were good, but I had to take frequent breaks to read other stuff in between.
