
Saturday, November 03, 2012

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Western Story, November 30, 1940

For a while it looked like there might not be a Saturday Morning Western Pulp this week, since I spent most of Friday night and some of the wee hours of Saturday morning in the local emergency room dealing with a relatively minor but very painful condition. I'm back home now, with just enough time to write and schedule this post before my pain meds kicks in. Is that blogging dedication, or what?

Anyway, I'm falling back on old reliable WESTERN STORY this week, an issue with a pretty nice cover with a very effective use of a shadow. The contents look pretty good, too, with a lead novel by Walt Coburn, stories by Harry Sinclair Drago and L.P. Holmes among others, and part of a Peter Dawson serial, THE CRIMSON HORSESHOE, which I believe was Jon Glidden's first novel (Jonathan Glidden being the real name of Peter Dawson, as I'm sure most of you already know). WESTERN STORY could be a little stodgy, but it was good solid entertainment for a long, long time and certainly one of the top three or four Western pulps of all time.


  1. You in the clear, James? Hope all is well.

  2. I'm much better this morning. This incident was just a reminder that I need to take better care of myself.

  3. Hope you feel better James. It's quite a coincidence that you picked WESTERN STORY to talk about. I'm presently indexing and looking at my set and happened to look at this issue just a couple days ago. It appears I have over 1200 issues from 1919-1949. Just about all the issues I still need are from the very difficult and rare years of 1919-1920. I need a few from 1921-1925 and may actually find them someday but the 1919 and 1920 years will probably be very unlikely and hard to find.

    If anyone can help me out on these wants please contact me at If I ever complete the set, I plan to host a blow out celebration party at PulpFest.

  4. I love that cover! Great shadow.

    Hope you're back in the saddle, James.


  5. There are about a dozen issues of the magazine online at the Unz site.

  6. Minor and great pain aren't compatible, James. If it hurts me, it's major. Glad to know you're better. And yes, you are a dedicated blogger. I should be drummde out of Fort Blog for being AWOL all the time.

  7. I should also be drummed out for my constant typos--"drummed out, not "drummde out."
