
Monday, November 05, 2012

A Million Words and Counting, 8th Straight Year Edition

As is obvious from the title of this post, today I passed the million-word mark for this year. I'm a couple of weeks behind last year's pace, but that's all right. I never figured on writing a million words year after year, but now I think I'd like to accomplish that for a couple of more years, anyway. I think writing a million words a year for ten straight years would be pretty cool. If I can do that (and I already have close to a million words lined up for next year), I might give some thought to slowing down a little. I'm certainly not getting any younger.

As always, much of the credit for this is due to Livia, who absolutely makes it possible, and thanks as well to the editors who continue to have faith in me and the readers who enjoy my books. Without all of you I wouldn't be having such a great time spinning my yarns.


  1. Congrats on passing the milestone again. I'm up to about a hundred words a year, myself .

  2. And top of all that, James, you're still looking damn good.

  3. Unbelievable. You ought to contact Guinness Book of World Records.


  4. 1veors 154Hello James:
    That's Amazing! Congratulations!!! I'm only at 40,000 words for the year myself, but, I still have almost two months.
    Have a Great Day!!!
    John (aka, the "Creature")

  5. Congratulations on another impressive year, James!

  6. Congratulations! Someday I hope to read "Writer At Work" by James Reasoner.

  7. You're a constant source of inspiration, sir.

    Congratulations--here's to many millions more!

  8. It's amazing how keep getting those little cobbler's elves to come in night after night, year after year and jump up and down on that keyboard.

    Many congrats.

    Tom Roberts

  9. Congratulations! Keep up the good work.

  10. Congrats on the million words. And from the picture of you here I'd say you've lost some weight as well. Congrats on that. :)

  11. Congratulations. Eight years in a row. Don't your fingertips get tired? Come to think of it, was it really true of old pulp writers (using manuel typewriters) would sometimes type so much that their fingers would bleed?

    But also a serious question: Does it matter to you what keyboard you use? I'm typing this on a laptop that I don't find all that congenial to use. It has the flat chicklet type keys and they seem too large and spread apart, causing a lot of typing errors. I perfer the conventional keyboard of a desktop computer. Does it matter for you what kind of leyboard you use?

  12. I can write for short periods of time on this laptop, but if I'm going to be using it as my primary writing computer, like when we go on trips, I plug a conventional keyboard into it. The keys on laptop keyboards are too close together for me when I start typing really fast.

    I started out using a manual typewriter and remember one time (this would have been '80 or '81) when my fingertips bled a little from a marathon, 14-hour writing session. I sometimes miss my typewriter, but I'd never go back to it.

  13. If the pulps were still being published, you would be one of the top authors. And I mean that as a high compliment.
