
Monday, October 08, 2012

New This Week

This week I bought all of Tom Piccirilli's e-books that I didn't already have, since the publisher is donating all the proceeds to help with Tom's medical expenses following his cancer surgery. Links are below, and I highly recommend all of them, along with Tom's other books. He's a fine writer, and you won't go wrong with anything he's written. I also got the e-book of horror novel HELMET HEAD by Mike Baron, who wrote many of the comic books I read during the Eighties. Look for a review of this one coming soon.

Also picked up a couple of used books. RAWHIDERS & RENEGADES is the paperback edition of a WWA anthology originally published in hardback under the title THE FALL ROUNDUP. This is from 1955, so it's not surprising that the line-up of authors is a really good one: John Prescott, Wayne D. Overholser, Bennett Foster, Walt Coburn, Luke Short, Frank Bonham, Will Cook, Norman A. Fox, Thomas Thompson, Bill Gulick, Charles N. Heckelmann, Harry Sinclair Drago, Steve Frazee, S. Omar Barker, Nelson Nye, Noel M. Loomis, and Gene Markey. The stories by Luke Short, Will Cook, and Steve Frazee are originals, the others reprints from an assortment of pulps and slicks. The other paperback is a double edition of the first two novels in the Buckskin series, RIFLE RIVER and GUNSTOCK by "Roy LeBeau", who I've been told was Mitchell Smith. Whoever wrote them, I know RIFLE RIVER is really good because I read it a number of years ago and remember liking it a lot. Never got around to reading GUNSTOCK. I figured it was worth a buck in Half Price Books' clearance section.


  1. I have enjoyed the Pic books I have read. Need to get the new one though. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery.

  2. Somehow I have missed the links for the ebooks.

  3. Rick,
    The links are all the way down at the bottom of the post. They show up for me (I just refreshed the page), but they might not for other people. I've had considerable trouble the past couple of days with some websites not working for me. I think it's something in the air.
