
Monday, October 15, 2012

New This Week

No new print books this week, but I have three new e-books on my Kindle. I have a review of one of them, "The Spider Tribe" by Heath Lowrance, coming up later today. It's another fine entry in his Hawthorne series. These stories are some of the best Weird Westerns out there. A HEALTHY FEAR OF MAN by Aaron Philip Clark is a hardboiled crime novel, the sequel to Clark's THE SCIENCE OF PAUL, which I read and enjoyed last year. And finally THE SPUR: LOKI'S ROCK is the first book in a new science fiction adventure series by Mark Ellis, creator and principal author of the long-running Outlanders series. Links are below, so check 'em out.                                                                                 


  1. Something seems to be going on with Blogger. The links show up fine on my computer, but the ones I put up last week weren't visible to some folks, too. I'll investigate.
